FC-4型侧风窗 FC-4 Air Inlet 精心选用优质PS工程塑料加定量的抗老化剂注塑而成,抗老化性能强,使用寿命更长久; Adopt Excellent PS engineering plastic with a certain quantity of anti-aging agent under injection process; ensure a strong anti-aging function with longer lifespan. 窗门上沿与窗口上边加有特殊设计结构,使小窗关闭后更加严密; Special design in window door connection part offers a better sealing when close up. 采用加强型防鸟网格设计并由传统的扣槽式固定改为螺钉固定,有效避免运输损坏网格问题; Protection net connection change from button type to bolts & nuts type, which effectively avoid the damage in transportation. 复位弹簧、滑轮支架均采用不锈钢制成,使用寿命更长久; Reset Spring and Pulley support are all made of excellent stainless steel, Lifespan is extended. 滑轮装置加有特殊设计的拉杆**滑轮,可将钢丝绳或连杆放在滑轮里使小窗开启更加灵活、安装更加方便; Added with special designed pull rod pulley which reduce friction and facilitate installation mostly by holding up pull rod or steel rope. 可加配**遮光罩,遮光罩通过螺钉连接,安装方便、节约成本; Light trap can be offered in clients requests. Bolts connection gets the easy installation, save cost. 可加配导流板,导流板可根据窗门开启大小自动调节角度; Air guide plate can be offered in clients requests. Added spring enables air guide plate to adjust it’s angle according to the window door opening angle. 安装注意事项:Installation notification: 安装小窗的一侧墙壁必须保证同一平面; 小窗四周15cm内必须为实心墙体(可安装膨胀螺栓),不可采用空心砖。 为防止雨水倒灌,小窗洞口下沿内侧**外侧。 御嵌木框与鸡舍内墙平齐。 洞口预留尺寸:560X270mm The installation wall must be in a same line; 15cm scope from the air inlet must be solid wall to enable catch expansion bolts(Hollow wall is prohibited); In avoid the rain flow backward, The Hole bottom inner side must be higher than outer side; Reserved wooden-frame must be in a same line with installation wall. Reserved Hole Dimension: 560 X270mm